March 13, 2009  
ASBESTOS LITIGATION: Cincinnati Fin'l. Has $114Mil 2008 Reserves

Cincinnati Financial Corporation carried US$114 million of net
loss and loss expense reserves for asbestos and environmental
claims as of year-end 2008, compared with US$123 million as of
year-end 2007.

These amounts constitute 2.8 percent (in 2008) and 3.1 percent
(in 2007) of total loss and loss expense reserves as of these
year-end dates.

The Company said it believes its exposure to A&E claims is
limited, largely because its reinsurance retention was
US$500,000 or below prior to 1987. The Company also
predominantly was a personal lines company in the 1960s and
1970s when asbestos and pollution exclusions were not widely

During the 1980s and early 1990s, commercial lines grew as a
percentage of the Company's overall business and its exposure to
A&E claims grew accordingly.

Between 2006 and 2008, total A&E reserves decreased 11.6

Headquartered in Fairfield, Ohio, Cincinnati Financial
Corporation markets property casualty insurance. At year-end
2008, the Company had 4,179 associates, with 2,984 headquarters
associates providing support to 1,195 field associates.

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Lloyd's Asbestos Litigation Reporter is a weekly newsletter distributed every Friday co-published by Bankruptcy Creditors' Service, Inc., Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania, USA, and Beard Group, Inc., Frederick, Maryland, USA.

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